I considered not going out this year, and opting to go home and give out candy in costume instead of facing the lecherous crowds of drunken creepers and douchebag frat boys who basically took a huge shit on my favorite holiday. Finally I decided to give it another go, settled on a costume, and lined up a few parties.I won't disclose who I will masquerade as just yet; I prefer to leave that as a surprise!
Tonight begins the festivities of Halloween in IV. I will be participating in a Zombie Run on the 6500 block of Del Playa. I think I will portray a zombie school girl. It should be pretty fun, but I've learned to assume that people will ruin anything that sounds fun. Hopefully there will be lots of townies to terrify!
Now for some reviewing.
Usually I am nothing short of irritated when goth becomes the pet interest of the fashion industry, but of course that is a terribly immature way to think. Now that I'm a bit more mature and secure in my sense of style, I have grown to appreciate trends that appear a bit darker than most. If anything, I'm quite flattered! Anyway, apparently dark lips are a big hit this fall. Of course, I haven't seen anyone else sporting them (as I always do) but this presents the rare opportunity to buy quality black lipstick.
As soon as I could, I ordered a tube of MAC Black Knight. Mmmmm! Have you ever seen anything so lovely? I was thrilled! I am pleased to say that I am LOVING it thus far, and highly recommend it for daily use. It has fantastic staying power (especially when used with a long wearing lip liner), and just the precise amount of shine.
Up close with artificial light, followed by natural light (ahhh it burns!). Ignore the complete lack of makeup on the rest of my face :(
Agghhh I need a better camera so that I can really do this.. grrrr... my half birthday was just a few weeks ago?